
Humidity Indicator

The main component of blue silica gel is cobalt chloride, which has strong toxicity and has a strong adsorption effect on water vapor in the air. At the same time, it can show different colors thro...

Water Purification And Wastewater Treatment

The composition of Waste water is complex and difficult to treat. The treatment methods mainly include oxidation, adsorption, membrane separation, flocculation, biodegradation, etc.These methods ha...

Chinese Factory

Address: No. 689, Yongan Rd, Dawang EDZ, Guangrao, Shandong, PRC

Contact person: Mr. Forest Xu

Tel: +86 546 6853125     Mobile / WeChat / WhatsApp: +86 18654681060

Email:sales@sdymqy.com‍‍        ymsilicagel@gmail.com

Russian Agent

Address: 117335 Russia, Moscow, Vavilova street, 79 building 1, office 3-4

Contact person: Mr. Nikita Beskrovnyy

Tel.: +7 9538993928        Email: sales@rusyiming.ru

Korean Agent

Address: Room 617, lB Center, 55, Hanyang Daehak-ro, Sangrok-gu, Ansan-si, Kyunggi-do, Korea

Contact person: Mr. JongKil Kim

Tel: +82 10 5403 2615        Email: k3289@chol.com