All the atmospheric air contains a certain amount of water vapor. Now, imagine the atmosphere as a huge, slightly moist sponge. If we squeeze the sponge very hard, the absorbed water drops out. The same happens when the air is compressed, which means the concentration of water increases and these water vapor condenses into liquid water. To avoid problems with the compressed air system, using the post cooler and drying equipment is required.
Silica gel, activated alumina and molecular sieve can adsorb water and achieve the purpose of removing water in compressed air.
Yiming will suggest different adsorption solutions, according to different needs, dew point requirements from -20℃ to -80℃; also provide customers with adsorption and desorption data of adsorbent under different working conditions.
Related products:aluminum silica gel, activated alumina and molecular sieve
Chinese Factory
Address: No. 689, Yongan Rd, Dawang EDZ, Guangrao, Shandong, PRC
Contact person: Mr. Forest Xu
Tel: +86 546 6853125 Mobile / WeChat / WhatsApp: +86 18654681060
Russian Agent
Address: 117335 Russia, Moscow, Vavilova street, 79 building 1, office 3-4
Contact person: Mr. Nikita Beskrovnyy
Tel.: +7 9538993928 Email:
Korean Agent
Address: Room 617, lB Center, 55, Hanyang Daehak-ro, Sangrok-gu, Ansan-si, Kyunggi-do, Korea
Contact person: Mr. JongKil Kim
Tel: +82 10 5403 2615 Email: